Smart Security Technologies for “standoff” capabilities     Our objective is the enhancement of standoff mission capabilities, e.g. automatic sensorics and effectors for area protection and lasting neutralization of hostile forces  new capabilities for the infantry with novel effectors innovative counter IED standoff reconnaissance and neutralization Our Services            concept finding and advanced system development design and realisation studies realization of system safety - from hazard analysis to the safety case support of your development project management Our services are based on our wide range of technology expertise perceiving sensorics for surveillance, reconnaissance, weapon control and counter IED IED detection and neutralitzation automatization of weapon and effector control smart effectors and fuzes system safety for weapons, fuzes and ammunition, extensive vehicle and ship based mission systems acquisition and management of NATO/EU/EDA R&D programs    IUVAT SMARTMOTION GmbH Copyright 2024 Iuvat Smartmotion GmbH, Tel.: +49 (0) 4131-8645924   | Startseite | Impressum | Advanced System Technologies      Engineering       Project Management Performance Services Expertise  Contact Performance  Home  Services Expertise  Contact Performance   Home  Applications Applications ,   Technology Expertise        counter IED detection        and neutralisation        smart mobility         effectors        precision propulsion        communication   Application Expertise        counter IED        mobility improvement              vehicle robotics        area defense        fuzes and effectors