We are a team of engineers with interdisciplinary skills in a wide range of technologies and had been working for a long time as specialists and in leadership positions in the German defence industry. Automatization/robotics, counter IED detection and neutralisation, projectile flight control and smart  effectors and fuzes belong to our technological core competencies. We combine an excellent user Know-How with the practical experience in the industrial product development. An excellent network with universities and scientific institutes, technology companies and specialized engineering firms enables us the design of concepts based on newest technologies. A custom fit concept in the beginning of the realisation decides about the success of a product. Our excellence is the finding also of unconventional ideas and the use of advanced technology development. The expertise is based on the overall responsibilty of national and international technology projects, the risk management, the system safety, the development of necessary redesigns and the face to face representation of the project to the costumer and user. With concepts with unique features developed by us our costumers were succesful in national and international competitive projects. Examples are an unmanned vehicle based Counter IED system with an innovative sensorsuite and a standoff neutralisation system an automatized area defence weapon a short range high precision top attack combat system with guided ballistic projectiles SMOVER kit for the free selectable manned or unmanned use of all kinds of vehicles. All technical and operational features of the vehicles keep untouched in the manned mode.. . Copyright 2024 Iuvat Smartmotion GmbH, Tel.: +49 (0) 4131-8645924   | Startseite | Impressum | IUVAT SMARTMOTION GmbH Advanced System Technologies         Engineering       Project Management Services Expertise  Contact Performance  Home  Services Expertise  Contact Performance   Home  Projects Projects Smart Security Technologies for “standoff” capabilities   Expertise   Technology Expertise        counter IED detection        and neutralisation        smart mobility         effectors        precision propulsion        communication   Application Expertise        counter IED        mobility improvement              vehicle robotics        area defense        fuzes and effectors