Smart Security Technologies for “standoff” capabilities   The improvement of the “standoff” capability of military forces is our destination. Remote controlled smart effector systems for standoff area defence, novel infantry equipment with unique features and vehicle based counter IED systems for detection and neutralization are examples for systems we are working in. Based on a deep analysis and considering newest technologies we develop also unconventional system concepts with outstanding performance features. We verify the feasibility of critical functions with simulation tools and field suitable experimental systems and prototypes. In the phase of development we support you in the project management - engineering, risk management, safety management, qualification and tests.  Our technical expertise rests upon scientific work in research institutes and a long time in the development divisions of the defence industry. We have realisied technologies and systems e.g. for counter IED, novel effector systems for automated combat systems and smart vehicle protection systems with world wide unique features - from the idea to the roll out.                 IUVAT SMARTMOTION GmbH Copyright 2024 Iuvat Smartmotion GmbH, Tel.: +49 (0) 4131-8645924   | Startseite | Impressum | Advanced System Technologies       Engineering       Project Management Competitive solutions for outstanding changelles Services Expertise  Contact Performance  Home  Services Expertise  Contact Performance   Home  Projects Projects   Technology Expertise        counter IED detection        and neutralisation        smart mobility         effectors        precision propulsion        communication   Application Expertise        counter IED        mobility improvement              vehicle robotics        area defense        fuzes and effectors