FzHG 20 - novel remote controlled weapon for the infantry and special forces Operational and Technical Features hand launchable and remote controlled weapon  situational triggering by the soldier via a non deceivable wireless link  high quality of launch by ergonomic optimization  selectable effectors (blast-, Blind-, smoke-, e.g.) optical unambiguous perceivable neutralization by separation the explosive head  from the fuze body  unrestricted compliance with the STANAG 4497 (Hand Emplaced Munitions,  principles for safe design)  The modular design and the innovative fuze concept enable a wide range of further applications, eg. iED disposal and in time triggering of scattered ammo. Project status Our realization study for the FzHG 20 includes the functional concept, a detailed mechanical and electrical design, the safety concept, a risk analysis and an estimation for the realization costs. For the realization of the FzHG 20 we are looking for a cooperation with a well established company in the defense business.                      Engineering Projects IUVAT SMARTMOTION GmbH Advanced System Technologies        Engineering       Project Management Services Expertise  Contact Performance  Home  Services Expertise  Contact Performance   Home  Projects Projects -> next        <- back Smart Security Technologies for “standoff” capabilities   Copyright 2024 Iuvat Smartmotion GmbH, Tel.: +49 (0) 4131-8645924   | Startseite | Impressum | FzHG 20 - configuration ready for deployment configuration ready for launch Trigger module Projects        FVTS        FzHG 20        WEARandTEAR        System Safety            Technology Expertise        counter IED detection        and neutralisation        smart mobility         effectors        precision propulsion        communication   Application Expertise        counter IED        mobility improvement              vehicle robotics        area defense        fuzes and effectors   low speed guided projectil 155mm