Copyright 2024 Iuvat Smartmotion GmbH, Tel.: +49 (0) 4131-8645924 | Startseite |Impressum |IUVAT SMARTMOTION GmbHAdvanced System Technologies Engineering Project ManagementAn essential part of the engineering is the consideration of the system safety. We develop the system safety concept from the hazard analys with all measures to the safety case.•:analysis of the requirements and the preliminary technical concept •hazard analysis, determination of SIL by means of risk matrix or numerical analysis•FMEA and FTA, design of Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF)•process definition for the realisation of HW and SW•development of a System Safety Program Plan (SSPP)•documentation and cooperation with the third party for certification (req. for SIL 3/4)•application of standards such as MILStd 882, EN 61508, EN 26262, JSSSEB SkillsProject experienceengineering and system safety system for smart effectors such as sensor fuzed ammunition SMART 155, automated arial combat system and a new modular fuze system according to MILSTD 4497engineering and system safety for the platform electronics and the mission equipment of military vehicles (combat, support, counter IED)redesign and system safety of the gun control of a turret systemengineering and system safety for unmanned mobility platforms such as TROBOT and ROBOSHIPconcept development of the system safety for the platform and the mission system) of a new multipurpose naval vesselServicesExpertise ContactPerformance HomeServicesExpertise ContactPerformance Home ProjectsProjects<- backSmart Security Technologies for “standoff” capabilitiesSystem Safety Technology ProjectsFVTS FzHG 20 WEARandTEAR System Safety Technology Expertise counter IED detection and neutralisation smart mobility effectors precision propulsion communicationApplication Expertise counter IED mobility improvement vehicle robotics area defense fuzes and effectors